Al-Bayan Resolutions


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General Assembly
Algeria: Regional Organizations
Australia: Regional Organizations
Bhutan: Refugees
Canada: Refugees
Costa Rica: Refugees
Eritrea: Regional Organizations
Guatemala: Technology
Kuwait: Regional Organizations
Namibia: Refugees
Nigeria: Technology
Russia: Regional Organizations
Uganda: Refugees

Security Council:
Canada: Kosovo
Namibia: The war situation in the Congo
Russia: Chechnya and Dagestan

Delegate: Fay Al-Tukhaim
Delegation: Algeria
Question Of: The role of regional organization in settling international conflict

Aware of international conflicts the world is facing today, and their affect and implementations on most nations.

Taking in consideration that poor African Countries’ financial condition doesn’t always support financial aid in regional organization. For example, Somalia won’t be able to support financial aid and economical aid in regional organization since it has a poor economy.

Fully alarmed about disagreements between countries and lack of cooperation between countries in regional organization in settling international conflicts.

Expressing its satisfaction about the improvement and the help certain organizations provided in the time of need for certain countries and its cooperation with needed countries to bring peace and support financial and economical problems.

Fully believing that regional organization would help solve international conflicts from different categorized such as financial problems, economical growth, human rights, and social problems in the nation

article 40 sub-clause 9 of "The importance of regional organization in African Countries", directed that its important to create regional organization to solve international problems and take in consideration the affect international problems could implement the nation.

1- Accepts cooperation of countries in regional organization to cooperate with other nations to solve international conflicts in order to:
a) Help countries in economical and financial problems. This way undeveloped countries will be able to fulfill its needs in certain financial and economical gaps by financial aid. This will result to the increase rate of development in the country
b) Help develop educational funds in poor countries such as the ones in Africa. This way poor countries will have a higher education and higher rate of intelligence to help with worldwide conflicts.
c) Provide medical care to poor countries; this way the rate of survival will increase, and health conditions will improve.

2- Further encourages
countries with a high rate of development and education to help develop nearby countries in its region with financial and economical aid.

3- Strongly condemns disagreements between certain countries which lead to a higher rate of international conflicts

4- Congratulates the GCC (Gulf Cooperative Council) for its accomplishments and success in developing Arab countries and its success in its cooperation.

5- Express its hopes to develop a high rate of economical growth to fulfil its need to develop and accomplish higher goals in poor and low economical rate regions.

6- Further reminds countries to be able to attend every regional organization meeting and be able to highly cooperate with its fellow countries on certain ways to be able to settle international conflicts. And also to support poor regions with financial and economical aid to be able to fulfil its gaps in certain areas, such as education and government conditions.

7- further resolves that regional organization will actually be able to accomplish highly important goal and will be able to succeed to find solutions to international global conflicts. Also it’s very important to help poor countries develop its economical conditions to be able to prevent unwanted results such as the increase of death and diseases in poor regions due to economical and financial problems.

FORUM: General Assembly
QUESTION OF: The Condition and Treatment of Refugees –

Defining refugees as those who have fled their countries because of a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of their race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group, and who cannot or do not want to return to their countries,

Recalling the turmoil in April to July 1994, which witnessed some 1 million Rwandan refugees fleeing from their homes to Rwanda’s eastern borders with Tanzania,

Expressing its Appreciation towards the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which has met its expectations during its efforts to aid the refugees from Somalia, Yugoslavia, and Rwanda,

Further Recalling the UNHCR efforts in the Former Yugoslavia during the war in 1991, where they aided hundreds of thousands of refugees by offering the food, shelter, and safety,

Fully Alarmed by the recently released statistics that show that there are still 6,284,950 refugees in Africa alone, approximately 1 percent of the total African population,

Deeply Disturbed by the fact that there were 21,459,550 refugees in the world during the year of 1998,

Having Considered the immense amount which is needed to support the UNHCR efforts, especially in Africa and the Former Yugoslavia,

Noting Further the Kosovar refugee crisis, where, according to UNHCR statistics, 770,000 refugees fled their homeland to neighboring Albania, F.Y.R.O. Macedonia, and the Yugoslav province of Montenegro,

Viewing With Appreciation the efforts of countries like Australia, who have volunteered with no obligation to send peacekeeping forces and aid packages to succor the tormented people of East Timor,

1. Draws The Attention to the rising number of refugees,

2. Encourages developed countries to welcome refugees, especially those fleeing political persecution, into their countries and grant them citizenship whenever possible,

3. Further Requests that members of the UN grant financial help to the UN humanitarian organizations, especially the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees UNHCR), by:
a) increasing the annual UN dues by an amount of 1.5 percent,
b) donating the amount of 60 percent of the extra dues to all significant United Nations humanitarian organizations, which are the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), and the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),
c) donating the remainder of the extra funds, 40 percent, to the UNHCR,

4. Have Resolved that the UN must properly recognize such developed countries who have carried the burden of taking care of refugees by:
a) appointing the UNHCR to determine the countries who are aiding refugees partly or fully,
b) estimating the approximate amount being spent by each government on the necessities of such refugees, as defined in the following:
i) food,
ii) temporary and permanent shelter and housing,
iii) safety,
iv) social security,
v) employment,
c) Granting these countries financial support for all their humanitarian efforts that they offered to the refugees,

5. Calls Upon developed countries to assist the UNHCR by not only granting the organization financial support, but also adopting refugees as citizens,

6. Strongly Condemns tyrannous and oppressive governments who have forced their people into seeking refuge by:
a) violating their basic human rights,
b) undermining their political opinion,
c) threatened their safety while in their own homes,

7. Further Resolves that the UN must immediately appoint a special team investigate which countries are committing the crimes mentioned in the above clause, and impose immediate economic sanctions on these nations according to the following criteria,
a) The government has forced the amount of 50,000 refugees or over into refuge by committing the crimes stated in Clause 6,
b) The UNHCR has sufficiently provided the UN with enough information (the annual census would be sufficient) to prove that the accused government has forced that much people into refuge,
c) The government has not responded to a warning that would be given to that government,

8. Emphasizes the importance of co-operation between countries to reduce the number of refugees in the following years,

9. Further Reminds that all refugees must be treated like other people regardless of their race, religion, sex, nationality, or political opinion.

FORUM: General Assembly
QUESTION OF: Condition and Treatment of Refugees

Defining refugee as " a person who has been forced to flee from danger, like flood, war, political persecution, or flee because of hard living status in his/her original country,

Deeply disturbed to know that there are over 11.5 million refugees in the world according to the UNHCR estimations (1998),

Taking into consideration that Asia hosted the largest number of refugees (41%), Africa (28%), Europe (23%), North America (6%), and finally Latin America, The Caribbean, and Oceania (1% each),

Bearing in mind the huge efforts of the United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees (UNHCR) in assisting refugees worldwide,

Congratulating the UNHCR for being able to decrease number of refugees by 4% from 1997 to 1998, and bringing the refugees to their lowest number in 10 years,

Expressing with appreciation the emergency assistance, care and maintenance, voluntary repatriation, and local settlement assistance of the UNHCR to assist the refugee population worldwide,

Recalling the Rwandan, Kosovar, and East Timor refugees crises, which resulted in a great increase of total refugees worldwide, and made the UNHCR’s job harder in supplying assistance to these groups of refugees,

Observing the harsh treatment and condition of refugees by some refuge countries, and vise versa,

1.Draws attention to the massive UNHCR efforts in decreasing the number of refugees worldwide by emergency assistance, care and maintenance, voluntary repatriation, and local settlement assistance,

2.Deplores countries who treat their refugees badly, and refugees who treat their refuge countries badly,

3.Asks for consequences for countries treating refugees badly and suggests:
One.Applying economical sanctions on those countries (like Iraq with Kurdish refugees, Serbia with the Kosovar refugees, USA with the Cuba refugees, Israel with Palestinian refugees, and some African countries) and on them,
Two.Isolating the preceding countries and forbidding any communications with them,

4.Recommends further punishment for refugees who make chaos in the refuge country and form an antigovernment side, and suggests:
One.Stopping the UNHCR and other assistance to them,
Two.Returning them to their original country even if it leads to the use of force,
Three.Permitting the refuge country to punish them as normal citizens by putting them in jail,

5.Strongly recommends countries of refugee to expel any refugee that is spreading terror in the refuge country, or that came to the refuge country in an illegal way like the Nepalese refugees to Bhutan,

6.Encourages UNHCR to assist poor countries with under developing economies to supply a good condition for the life of refugees in it,

7.Requests the UN to send forces to take control over people crossing borders illegally to weak countries and put them in a special camp where they only have the humanitarian rights, not political rights,

8.Suggests that each refuge country supplies all data needed about all refugees in that country and send it to the UNHCR,

9.Calls upon all refuge countries that can’t supply a good living condition for the refugees to inform the UNHCR,

10.Requests all countries to cooperate with the UNHCR in solving the refugee crisis by, them all the information they need about refugees.
Two.making the UNHCR’s job in that country easy by supplying all transportation needed, and give the UNHCR permission to do what ever they want on that country with regard to the refugees’ crisis.

11.Reminds that all refugees must be treated as citizens and given citizens’ rights like:
Three.occupation, water, and other assistance

Forum: GA
Question of: The condition and treatment of refugees.
Submitted by: Costa Rica

Recalling resolutions 37/176, 38/88, 39/108, 42/132, 41/139, and 47/122 dealing with the treatment and assistance of refugees in various countries,

Defining a refugee as one who leaves one's native land either because of expulsion, to escape persecution, war, or famine,

Appreciating the determined efforts made by the governments that contain refugees,

Aware of the consequences of the social and economical burden placed on the governments containing refugees as a result of the influx of refugees and the subsequent impact on the national development and infrastructure of the countries,

Noting with Appreciation the concern and unremitting efforts of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees, the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Children’s Fund, the World Food Programme, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, the intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, and benevolent organizations that have worked closely with the governments containing refuges in the relief and rehabilitation programme for refugees,

Recognizing from the recommendations contained in the report of the High Commissioner found in resolution 47/122 that there remains an urgent need for increased assistance in the provision of food, water, and medicines, the strengthening of health and of self help schemes and small-scale farming and fruit growing projects necessary for the promotion of self reliance among refugees,

Realizing the heavy burden placed on governments containing refugees and the sacrifices they make in caring for the refugees and the need for more international assistance to enable them to continue to provide assistance to the refugees,

Deeply Concerned with the treatment of refugees and the host countries inability to cope with them,

Fully Aware that this problem lies in the root of insufficient funding for refugee programs and the host countries that accept them,

1. Supports of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNCF), the World Food Programme (WFP), the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAOUN), the United Nations International Refugee Organization (UNIRO), and the International Committee for the Red Cross (ICRC) in the aiding of refugees by providing food, water, shelter, and security,

2. Draws Attention to the rising number of refugees,

3. Resolves that the rights of refugees should include:
i) the right of personal property,
ii) the right of food and water,
iii) the right of shelter and sanctuary,
iv) the right of safety and security,
v) the right to basic health and education services,
vi) the right of safe passage to home countries.

4. Requests the United Nations High Commission for Refugees to continue to organize appropriate programmes of assistance to the refugees so that their basic rights are preserved.

5. Calls Upon all Member states, the organizations of the United Nations system, the specialized agencies, and the intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations to support the efforts made by countries containing refugees to cope with the ever-growing needs of the refugee population.

6. Further Requests that countries containing refugees facilitate a programme of local settlement of refugees so that their right of shelter may be protected.

7. Appeals to Member States, international organizations, and voluntary agencies to render maximum material, financial and technical assistance to governments whose countries support refugees so that they are able to provide all necessary assistance to the refugees and protect their basic rights.

8. Recognizes the need for development-oriented projects that would generate work opportunities and long term livelihood for refugees, and, in this context commends the efforts of the High Commissioner and the International Labor Office (ILO) to create income-generating activities for refugees.

9. Urges the High Commissioner to continue coordination with the appropriate specialized agencies in order to consolidate and ensure the continuation of essential services to the refugees in their settlement and to make sure that their basic rights are not being breached.

10. Expresses grave concern at the serious and far reaching consequences of the massive presence of refugees in other countries on their security, stability, and development, which will, in turn, affect the treatment of refugees.

11. Resolves that the Secretary-General is to mobilize the necessary financial and material assistance for the full implementation of ongoing projects in the areas affected by the presence of refugees, to insure better treatment and protection of their basic human rights acquiring the funding from the United Nations annual budget by:
i) reporting to the Economic and Social Council and appropriating the required financial and material assistance, which should be no less than 7% of the United Nations’ total budget.

12. Further Resolves that financial assistance be provide to countries that hosting refugees. Sources of such assistance should be as follows:
i) United Nations annual budget,
ii) Donations collected from the United Nations,
iii) Direct assistance from other countries.

13. Even Further Resolves that host countries will ensure that this assistance is utilized for the sole purpose of guaranteeing refugees rights as mentioned previously.

Country: Eritrea
Sutudent: Saad Al-Ghawas

Recognizing the fact that Eritrea has been engaged in a war with Ethiopia since the deaths of two Eritrean soldiers that were involved in negotiations with Ethiopia on May 6, 1998,

Bearing in mind that Eritrea’s economy has been devastated by the Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict,

Identifying Eritrea’s military budget to be half the annual budget from 1993 to 1997,

Convinced that measures can be taken by the international community to help resolve the Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict and any other such conflicts that may arise,

Noting with approval the efforts put forth by the international community in attempting to resolve the Yugoslavia conflict,

Recalling the Rwanda crises that the UN failed to resolve,

Further Recalling the Somalia crises that the UN failed to resolve,

Deeply Disturbed by the fact that the UN is making no attempt to solve the current East Timor crises,

Proposes that the UN attempt to resolve any international conflicts to achieve the UN goal of world peace,

Calls upon the international community to come to a quick resolution of all the current crises previously mentioned,

Encourages the international community to be prepared to quickly resolve any future international crises as soon as possible in order to avoid their escalation into major world problems,

Resolves that the UN will have 2,000 troops from different UN countries ready to be deployed in any crises situation around the world,

Resolves that the UN offer its services to promote peace in a warring region and to:
1. Provide the countries with peace treaties, Create neutral opportunities for the countries to negotiate peace or compromise,
2. Provide the countries with aid workers such as the Red Cross and other humanitarian organizations.

Forum: GA
The Question of Growth and Implementation of Information Technology on Global Communication
Delegation: Guatemala

Taking Note of the United Nations to the problem of aiding the Growth and Implementation of Information Technology on Global Communication,

Recognizing that the population of Third World countries would be repressed by the failure to act positively in providing the necessary aid to be technologically advanced in computering and communication,

Deeply disturbed by the lack of progress today in aiding the Third World countries with this problem,

Expressing its appreciation to the conclusions made by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to develop world communication,

Deeply concerned that Third World Countries are not receiving presently:
1) The necessary funding to get the necessary tools, equipment and computers to participate in this growth.
2) The necessary hardware to participate in this growth.

1. Expresses its hope that donor countries prioritizethe question of Growth and Implementation of Information Technology on Global Communication,The donor countries are those who:
I)Are already technologically advanced in computering and communication.
II)Are capable of solving their own problems within their country
III) Have enough money to return their debts

2. Requests that Donor countries provide the ThirdWorld countries with:
I)) The funding needed to get the necessary tools, books and software
II) The necessary hardware for computers
III) To form a new organization which can be called The United Nations’ Organization for Educational and Technological Programs. In this organization, they can create an educational and technological class in at least every school in the Third World countries.Also, they can provide good educational programs to the countries that are in need in order to build a strong generation,

3. Bearing in mind that the education of Third World countries is required to keep up with the growth and implementation on Global Communication,

4. Trusts that the richer members of the United Nations would share belief in these conclusions,

5. Emphasizes the need for aid by countries in the Third World and those ravaged by wars.

6. Congratulates any effort made the United Nations and any country who would try to help in ending

Forum: GA
Delegation: Kuwait
Question Of: The role of regional organizations in settling international conflict.

Defining regional organizations as a group of persons united for the welfare of a particular region.

Recalling The Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in 1990, a sudden attack from a neighbor who knows that there weren’t powerful armed forces that could back up the GCC and prevent his attack.

Deeply Concerned with the national conflicts taking place in countries such as Yugoslavia and Indonesia, which may develop into international conflicts and effect the world.

Affirming that regional organizations are crucial to the peace of, not only the countries in the region, but also of other countries in the world.

Taking Into Account that the presence of such organizations strongly prevents international conflicts, and remain of weak organizations, such as the GCC, could not help member countries.

Recalling the failure of GCC in helping Kuwait reclaim its independence during the Gulf War.

Referring to the goals of the Arab League, a regional organization, "its stated purposes are to strengthen ties among the member states, coordinate their policies, and promote their common interests", which in correspondence will diminish international conflicts in the specified region.

Alarmed By the international conflicts in different regions around the world.

Deeply Disturbed by the quarrels taking place in Yugoslavia and Indonesia, which could be prevented by regional organizations.

Pointing Out that international conflicts could cause wars which increase the problem of refugees and leads to economical crises, resulting in political serious conflicts that effect the world as a whole.

1. Congratulates a number of regional organizations such as: NATO, Red Cross, Arab League, European Union and United Service Organization, etc. for their outstanding achievements in solving international conflicts.

2. Expecting that the formation of strong regional organizations would work for the welfare of the region and prevent international conflicts by strengthening the relations between member countries.

3. Strongly Condemns those nations that refuse the formation of regional organizations, for their absence will definitely cause minor conflicts to develop into major ones and cause wars.

4. Asks that the UN to provide regional organizations with financial funds to form ones that are backed up by powerful armed forces, for they will compensate this by eliminating the chances of eventuating wars that could increase the world’s concern of the refugees issue and reflect negatively in the world’s economy.

5. Requests that regional organizations would be backed by armed forces that ascertain the maintenance of peace in the region.

6. Further Requests that regional organizations become fully responsible of aiding the defense in member countries, especially in times of war.

7. Further Resolves that the UN should create effective laws that would force the organizations to act upon any violations or attacks, in favor of the member country.

QUESTION OF: The condition and treatment of refugees.
FORUM: General Assembly

Defining refugee as a person who leaves his homeland because of persecution due to color, race, religion, or other political conflicts and who seeks safety and help in another country, and who does not or can not return back to his country;

Criticizing the world especially the superpowers and developed countries for paying little attention to refugees worldwide;

Noting with regret that there are currently over 22 million refugees in the world of which at least 2 million live in Africa;

Recognizing with appreciation all governments that welcome refugees in their countries, such as Namibia, Australia, Ivory Coast, the Islamic Republic of Iran, and other countries like Macedonia and Hungary for welcoming refugees from Angola, East Timor, Liberia, Afghanistan, and Kosovo respectively;

Recognizing the diligent efforts of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in providing food, shelter, and protection for about 1 million refugees in the world in the year 1998, according to the spokesman of the UNHCR;

Further recognizing the continuous efforts of all humanitarian organizations that haa role in the reduction of the number of refugees including the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs);

Further condemning countries such as Israel, Yugoslavia, DPR Congo, Cambodia, Indonesia, etc; for causing huge numbers of refugees through their engagement in armed conflicts;

Applauding the fact that the Federal Republic of Germany donated US$128,000 to Tanzania in order to support refugees from DPR Congo, and US$370,000 to UNHCR to provide aid and other services for refugees in DPR Congo, Burundi, and Rwanda.

1. Kindly asks the rich and developed nations and countries that have a strong political standing in the world to help improve the condition and treatment of refugees by:
a.cooperating with the UNHCR and UNWRA by:
b.financially helping the UNHCR to satisfy its economic needs to practicing its mission more efficiently,
c.providing military help for the safety and protection of the UNHCR and UNWRA officials in all parts of the world;

2. Requires countries engaged in wars that have resulted in large numbers of refugees to stop their conflicts by negotiating and reaching to a mutual consent in order to help refugees get back to their homes;

3. Further Requires the nations currently engaged in wars to cooperate with the UNHCR, UNWRA, and other humanitarian organizations by:
a. guaranteeing full security for the inspectors through: protecting all UNHCR and UNWRA officials from any physical abuse,
b.protecting all UNHCR and UNRWA officials from any insult and or discrimination;

4. Resolves that the UN and the OAU to be more assertivein solving the problems of refugees in Africa by strengthening international relations between nations in war through:
a.asking high officials of all African nations to attend meetings that hnon-political issues in order to:
-encourage between countries engaged in armed conflicts which will facilitate further political proceedings
b.Start holding negotiation sessions between countries in war supervised by the UN secretary-general and the president of the OAU that will use 0.2% of both organizations' budgets;

5. Demands the United Nations secretary general hold meetings and conferences in order to put a peaceful end to the most destructive conflicts in the world in order to:
a. allow all humanitarian organizations to help refugees by: returning them to their homes; supplying food, shelter, and protection for them;

6. Resolves that all of the money received by the international humanitarian organizations is spent on providing refugees with five kinds of assistance:
a.emergency assistance to refugees and maintenance which are provided to refugees after they have completely survived
c.voluntary repatriation which includes all preparations done for transporting refugees to their countries
d.local settlement assistance which is assistance given to refugees who cannot return home
e. assistance in resettlement which may be offered to refugees who are admitted in another country, or a country of asylum;

7. Further resolves that the UN takes operative decisions about countries engaged in wars by:
a. imposing economical sanctions on all countries engaged in armed conflicts who thereby make more than 5,000 refugees to flee to other countries;
b. Inflicting No Fly Zones on countries engaged in armed conflicts, in order to force them to stop the war, thus causing a decrease in the number of refugees and allowing them to get back to their countries;

8. Further resolves that the UN will create international war crimes tribunals for trying despotic leaders that are committing war crimes that will:
a. use money from the International Court of Justice's annual budget;
b. force leaders to stop wars that results in a noticeable decrease in the numbers of refugees;

9.Kindly requests all nations of which refugees flee away from because of reasons other than political ones such as religion, sex, or race to try and put an end to these problems in their countries without causing any internal instability by organizing meetings and negotiation sessions between them;

10. Urges the International Committee of the Red Cross to work hardly in performing its duties by affording refugees all around the world with food, shelter, and protection;

11. Requests all countries, especially Australia and Canada, to allow refugees from another country to stay in their territory even if for a short period until the UNHCR and UNWRA succeed in replacing the refugees and returning them home;

12. Calls upon the United Nations Relief and Work Agency to provide refugees all around the world with jobs besides satisfying them with basic needs;

13. Congratulates all countries that permit refugees from other countries to enter their lands and provide care for them temporarily or permanently by:
a. refunding them whatever money they have spent on refugees from the UNHCR and UNWRA's annual budgets;

14. Condemns all developed countries that sell to or provide countries in war with the most improved and destructive weapons that intensify the situation of wars.

FORUM: General Assembly
QUESTION OF: The growth and implementation of information technology on global communication-

Defining technologically advanced countries as countries that have 1 or more than 1 computer per 10 people.

Believing that the growth and implementation of information technology is an important world wide and special developing and seeking for development countries need,

Recalling the dark past of African technology absence and the hope of having a bright future of African technology advancement,

Noting with appreciation the UN’s efforts for developing information technology by establishing the United Nations Centre For Regional Development (UNCRD),

Realizing that the growth and implementation of information in Nigeria and most developing countries is slow,

Pointing out that the whole world would be affected to the rapid growth and implementation of information technology and the slow growth in developing countries technology,

Deeply disturbed by the fact that the military rule effected the development of information technology world-wide,

Viewing with appreciation the UNDP’s decision for reconsidering development support to Nigeria after return of democracy,

Fully alarmed by the slow development of developing and under developed countries which was represented in Nigeria’s recent independent evaluation that says, " Only 50.5% of women listen to radio and 20% watched television at least once a week.’

1.Draws the attention to the rapid growth and implementation of information technology in technically advanced countries,

2.Further reminds that illiteracy, lag, and slow down of the growth and implementation development of information technology would affect not only developing and under developed countries but the whole world.

3.Calls upon highly technologically advanced countries to help developing countries prevent and fight the illiteracy and lag of developing countries through technology,

4.Further recommends the UN and technologically advanced nations grant financial aid to help developing and under developed countries catch up with worldwide global communications rapid growth, by:
a) Increasing the dues on technologically advanced countries as previously defined by an amount of 2.5%,
b) Donations from Regional Organizations and the United Nations extra dues to all developing who:
a)Have a leader and government that apply to the program and have a true will to modernize,
b)Have adopted a plan for the future debts payback,
c)Have an adult literacy rate below 50%,

5.Has resolved that the UN must properly recognize developing countries that are working on the growing and implementation of information technology with full cooperation and welcoming by:
One)Lowering the payback of debt by 20% on technical advancement purchases,
Two)Granting those countries financial support for all their development efforts that they offered to their citizens,

6.Strongly condemns military and arduous governments who have slowed down or stopped the growth and implementation development of information technology,

7.Further resolves that the UN should immediately:
One)Cut donations to the countries and governments slowing down or stopping the growth and implementation development of information technology,
Two)Impose a UN special team to value the countries and governments co-operation with the development of information technology,

8.Further proclaims the importance of the co-operation between technologically advanced countries and developing countries to reduce illiteracy and lag; and to spread technology in developing countries to increase literacy,

Question of the Role of Regional Organizations in Settling International Conflict
Country: Russian Federation
Forum: GA

Believing that allowing the interference of regional organizations in international conflict would put many countries in positions of grave disadvantage;

Taking into Account the dangers the interference of regional organizations will hold for the countries neighboring those that are suffering from the international conflict;

Bearing in Mind NATO’s eastward expansion, and what problems this movement will cause Russia, problems such as: political problems: it could have a big and bad impact on Russia’s relationship with other countries, military problems:
a. Russia might have to assemble troops, etc…on the Russian frontiers and borders to insure protection, this will pull military powers away from other military and important activities, assignments, and other such important routines,
b. financial problems: both (a) and (c) would be very likely to result in big money problems, which would put Russia at a great financial loss;

Aware of the fact that votes taken in countries that neighbor the countries suffering from the coindicate the unwillingness of the country’s president or head, the country’s government, and its people for regional organizations to send troops and powers across their boundaries and enter a nation;

Recalling the trouble that NATO’s bombing brought onto the almost Defenseless Yugoslavian state of Serbia, which lead to approximately 2000 deaths;

Keeping in Mind the fact that the interference of regional organizations in international conflicts has often lead to severe injuries and countless deaths;

Further Recalling the many deaths and injuries in Serbia that were the work of NATO, especially the 2000 deaths, of which defenseless children formed 40%;

Taking into Consideration the need for countries neighboring the countries that are suffering from the international conflict to issue civil statements and to have big roles in making decisions and such in regard to this serious matter;

Deeply Concerned about the military interference of regional organizations in international conflicts, (such as the deployment of NATO troops and weapons, and the setup of facilities in former Soviet bloc countries);

Affirming that negotiations and other such peace talks play a role and be given one in international conflicts before any military or other actions are taken;

Noting with Deep Concern that in doing the previous, regional organizations would be too close to the frontiers of neighboring countries;

Approving of regional organizations being that close to neighboring countries’ frontiers if they plan to work on helping and aiding the neighboring countries;

Welcoming and Encouraging NATO to deploying troops and weapons, and setting up facilities in former Soviet bloc countries if:
a)it is working on and intending to return Soviet bloc countries to their rightful homeland, the Russian Federation,
b)it has already tried negotiation and peace talks and neither worked;
c) a vote has been taken by NATO or another regional organization in favor of action and Russia:
i)agrees to allow the use of force,
ii)is given the option of deploying its own troops as part of the force sent under the command of Russian officers;

Further Affirming that countries have a right to claim all ground within their borders, even if that particular ground has stated its independence, and that this ground should never be referred to as an independent state; Reaffirming that former Soviet bloc countries should be Russian ground;

Emphasizing that former Soviet bloc countries should not be referred to as independent states;

1.Affirms the presence of several criticisms, holes, weaknesses, and, most importantly, human rights violations in the actions, decisions, and movements of numerous regional organizations;

2.Further Affirms the presence of criticisms in NATO, such as:
a)a big dependence on violence and the use of force, which is shown through:
i)the increased used of weaponry,
ii)the vast use of bombings, (especially against Serbs and Serbian forces during the Kosovo crisis),
iii)the co-operation of too many countries in this alliance, (NATO),
b)the failure in solving and going through problems and crises peacefully, (a great example here would be the Kosovo crisis), c)being the cause of the deaths of many innocent Serbian nationals;

3.Notes that the deployment of troops and the use of weaponry and military and weapon facilities would only make situations, (such as the previously mentioned), worse and more violent by:
a) increasing the number of injuries and deaths, which would:
i)greatly affect the countries population birth, growth, and death rates,
ii)greatly decrease the country’s human working power, thus decreasing its human resources and causing the country big financial and economical losses,
iii)decrease, (and possibly destroy), the possibilities of reaching a peaceful resolution;

4.Further Emphasizes the many deaths that will follow the deployment of troops and the setting up and use of weaponry and weapon facilities;

5.Supports regional organizations in interfering in international conflict if:
a)they have already tried peace-talking the countries or states involved in the conflict and negotiating with them and that had no effect on the countries’ or states' positions,
b)they are planning to help neighboring countries in 9) some minor conflicts, and to support them and provide the necessary and required aid;

6.Further Supports NATO if it is planning to and working on returning Soviet bloc countries to Russia;

7.Further Requests the utilization of peaceful methods such as negotiations and peace talks before the deployment of troops and weaponry and before the use of force, which will avoid:
a)the deaths of hundreds, possibly thousands, of innocent civilian people,
b)the appliance of the alternative of having to use force, weaponry, etc…,
c)huge possible financial and economical losses for the country;

8.Expresses its Sincere Hope that the use of violence and that violent activity in the world and amongst countries, (internally and externally), will reduce;

9.Further Reminds the world of the many deaths that occurred in Serbia due to:
a)the unneeded use of bombings and weaponry and other such forces on behalf of NATO,
b)NATO going directly to the use of force before giving negotiations and peace talks their best shot;

10.Further Requests international organizations to lessen their use of weapon facilities and weaponry;

11.Urges countries and international organizations to increase their negotiations and peace talks amongst themselves in order to:
a)not have to resolve to the use of force,
b)decrease deaths and killings in the world,

12.Has Resolved that countries and both regional and non-regional organizations will work on reducing violence in the world by:
a)decreasing the manufacturing and industry of weapons unless these weapons are needed by a certain country direly and immediately;
b)working on signing peace treaties amongst themselves and going higher up the ladder of creating world peace,
c)the co-operation of international organizations, regionalorganizations and countries all together to accomplish peace in the world;

13.Further Resolves that regional organizations should not interfere with international conflict unless:
a)peace talks and negotiations played no role in improving the situation of the international conflict,
b)they have already discussed matters with neighboring countries and took their point of view on all issues both directly and indirectly related to the country,
c)peace attempts have been made by neighboring and also non-neighboring countries that are all willing to bring an end to the international conflict.

Forum: General Assembly
Question: Status of Refugees
Country: Uganda

Defining refugees as having a basic life condition;

Taking into consideration that the basics for the refugee protection are not always upheld;

Deeply disturbed that the international community support has diminished due to global recession;

Noting how the refugees’ population increased more than ten times from about 700,000 to 7 million refugees in 25 years in Africa; 1

Deeply concerned about the increasing number of refugees all over the world,

Aware that refugees flows means security, social, and economic burdens on countries that have provided and still provide an asylum;

Congratulates all the countries and organizations that help draw attention to the continuing urgency of the refugees and displacement crisis in Africa;

Condemns the humanitarian Organizations Such as The Red Gross and UNHCR for being hesitant and poorly prepared with limited resources when there are new refugee emergencies,

Requests that the UN Security Council continue to help of refugees;

1.Proposes that UNHCR make intensive awareness program about the refugees to educate governments and the public about refugees and remember them and help through:
One.T.V and radio programs
Two.An internet site
d. Stickers and posters everywhere so all the world can remember them on transport boxes, Food can or boxes (cereals etc), and -On buses and taxies

2. Call upon the UN, other organizations, countries, and financial institutions that have the capabilities, to contribute enough money to the UNHCR so they can solve the problems concerning refugees;

3. Resolves the UN to eliminate wars, as they are the main cause refugees. That is through; One.Issue relevant resolutions.
Two.Sign treaties.
Three.Provide peacekeeping force.
Four.Apply sanctions against countries that cause wars and sell some of its resources to pay for refugees and basic need of its People. (like selling the oil of Iraq for food and medications)

4. Request the UN to help and oblige countries to build homes against or away from natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslide, volcano eruption, and others;

5. Impose sanctions on countries whose actions contribute to the problem of refugees by wars, prejudice etc;

6. Urges all Member States, the UNHCR, other relevant United Nations bodies and organizations, Organization of African Unity and sub-regional organizations to initiate programs to provide aids, advice, training and technical assistance to African States which host refugee;

7. Requests the Secretary-General to establishment a Trust Fund for the Improvement of conflict Prevention and Peacekeeping in Africa.

Security Council Resolutions

FORUM: Security Council
QUESTION OF: The Ongoing Issues in Kosovo

Affirming the fact that over 350,000 Kosovar ethnic Albanian citizens fled Kosovo as a result of Serb ethnic cleansing,

Expressing Its Appreciation towards the European Union, which has volunteered to shelter 20,000 refugees in Europe,

Recognizing the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for its efforts in Kosovo,

Fully Alarmed by the Yugoslav Government, who have continuously and repeatedly proved to be discriminative by conducting acts of ethnic cleansing in the southern province of Kosovo,

Expressing Its Satisfaction towards Albania and the F.Y.R.O. Macedonia because they have shown true humanitarian spirit towards the Kosovar refugees by offering them temporary shelter, despite the poor financial condition in which these nations are,

Viewing With Appreciation the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Canada for supporting the Kosovo Force (K-FOR) and their continued peacekeeping efforts in the region,

Referring to Security Council Resolution number 1244, which Requests the Secretary-General to appoint a Special Representative to control the implementation of the international civil presence and authorizes Member States and relevant international organizations to establish the international security presence in Kosovo,

Further Expressing Its Satisfaction towards the United Nations for creating the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK), which designates the implementation of a substantial self-government in Kosovo as its main task,

1. Urges the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) to ensure that the K-FOR troops and the UNMIK remain in Kosovo until:
a) The Yugoslav Government have completely extracted its military and para-military troops from the province of Kosovo,
b) All Kosovar ethnic Albanians refugees are either back in their original residences or have been adopted by other countries and been granted all necessary requirements which are defined by the following:
i) food,
ii) temporary and permanent housing,
iii) a safe environment, and what is meant by "safe" is:
an environment where such people are not discriminated, granted their basic human rights, granted their civil rights, and where such people are in no immediate danger,
iv) citizenship, whenever possible, because the Yugoslav Government has revoked most of the refugees’ citizinships, The UNMIK feels that Kosovo possesses substantial autonomy and self-government, All necessary elections for a new government in Kosovo independent than that in Belgrade have taken place, and the UNMIK can finally confirm that stability and peace has returned to Kosovo,

2. Congratulates the UNHCR and the UNMIK for their continued efforts in Kosovo,

3. Strongly Condemns the Government of Yugoslavia for conducting acts of ethnic cleansing against the ethnic Albanians in the southern province of Kosovo, and for forcing NATO to strike Yugoslavia and possibly kill innocent civilians by committing such crimes,

4. Further Resolves that the United Nations Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia must vigorously prosecute all Yugoslav war criminals justly,

5. Further Congratulates the United States, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Canada, who have each taken one of the divided five sectors of Kosovo, for taking responsibility and control their sector, for maintaining peace and stability in the region, and for conducting all necessary investigations regarding the Serb war criminals,

6. Resolves that the UN must place strong economic sanctions on Yugoslavia unless that Government:
a) agrees to all UNMIK requirements regarding the self-government in Kosovo, including the possibility of independence,respects the autonomy of Kosovo, even after K-FOR troops have left the region,
b) does not politically or militarily harass the Government of Kosovo, and
c) terminates all acts of ethnic cleansing and other crimes in all Yugoslav provinces.

QUESTION OF: The continuing crisis in DR Congo and surrounding states
FORUM: Security Council

Deeply concerned that in 1996 alone, 14 African nations were involved in armed conflicts;

Reminding that this war erupted in August 1998 when the Congolese rebels tried to overthrow Laurent Kabila, noting that they were supported by Rwanda and Uganda;

Deeply alarmed that this war has resulted in more than 350,000 refugees and displaced persons according to a press conference done by the head of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR);

Appreciating the fact that the United Nations (UN) has recently established a liaison office at the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in Addis Ababa in order to encourage diplomatic efforts between African diplomats, especially those of DR Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Angola;

Further Alarming that the Organization of African Unity (OAU) has failed to obtain useful achievements for this conflict even after holding several meetings and conferences to solve the problem;

Bearing in mind that the UNHCR is facing security problems in Central Africa, which are caused by the rebels and the hiding militia in the refugee camps;

Applauding the cease-fire signed by the leaders of DR Congo, Rwanda, Uganda, and the official rebel leaders in July 1999;

Recognizing with appreciation the suggestion of Laurent Kabila, the president of DR Congo, to hold a national dialogue between him and the rebels supervised by international mediators in order to reach a mutually-beneficial solution;

Condemning the Congolese rebels and the leaders of Rwanda and Uganda for not consenting to the idea of having international mediators in national dialogues.

1.Resolves to end the conflict of refugees by sending troops to the borders between DPR Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda in order to protect the refugees from the hiding militia set by the governments of the four countries, and to work as international peacekeepers in the area by:
a. using $15 million from the UN’s annual budget for peacekeeping operations that is about $100 million
b. sending 3,00UN troops to the area
c. sending 5,000 OAU troops;

2. Resolves to place economic sanctions on Rwanda and Uganda for helping the Congolese rebels until the peace process ends by:
a. asking the Security Council members to agree with the sanctions for the sake of peace and security
b. asking the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to freeze all the money belonging to Rwanda and Uganda and prevent the mentioned countries from using them
c. allow all Rwanda and Uganda to get their money back after the peace process is over if and only if they had cooperated efficiently with the responsible authorities;

3.Strongly urges the countries afflicted in the war to stand with the UN and help it in peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding;

4. Encourages all African countries engaged in the war to participate in a peace summit in order to sign a peace accord through negotiation and reconciliation and to comply with all its requirements;

5.Strongly asks all countries that are selling weapons to the rebels, Rwanda, and Uganda to stop selling weapons and thereby have a useful role in the settlement of peace, even if this might negatively affect their economic conditions;

6. Congratulates countries that stop trade with Rwanda and Uganda and do not provide any kind of financial aid to war;

7. Requests the UN to send several humanitarian coordinators to the Dr Congo and surrounding borders that will do the following by the help of the OAU:
a. help the refugees, youths, and displaced persons return to the urban areas of the country
b. help the refugees, youths, and displaced persons to exercise a new civilian life in the urban areas by the process of rehabilitation and reconstruction
c. buy up the arms and weapons from the soldiers and the youths to force them on leaving the war
d. help innocent people, especially the youths, to find appropriate jobs;

8.Asks the UN to send a group of high officials to improve the internal political conditions in DPR Congo, Rwanda, and Uganda that will in turn lead to the settlement of peace in the region;

9.Further resolves to send a group of highly ranked UN inspectors to Central Africa to capture all rebel leaders and leaders of Rwanda and Uganda for the crime of starting "offensive war" that
a. works under a mandate of the UN
b. uses $3 million from the UN’s annual budget to provide financial immunity for itself
c. is created by experienced judges from the International Court of Justice.
d. is created by experts from the International Law Commissione. finally and most importantly, ends the trials successfully and without any delay;

10.Urges all rebels against the current, recognized government of DR Congo to decease their efforts at resisting;

11.Threatens all nations around the world, especially those in Africa, that the current, destructive actions of the Congolese rebels can encourage other rebels around the world to start resisting their countries using force, which will break peace, unless the situation in DR Congo ends and peace emerges.

Delegation:The Russian Federation
Committee:Security Council
Delegate:Mohammed Fakhral-Deen
Question of:The Impending Crisis between Russia, Chechnya, and Dagestan

Believing that Chechnya is not an independent state and should not be considered as one, and that it is an integral state/part of Russia;

Bearing in Mind that Chechnya is originally a Russian state, clarifying the reason for it to declaim its independence;

Further Noting that Chechnya should stop its worthless and illogical attempts at independence for the following reasons:
a)it is originally a Russian state,
b)it has brought a lot of harm upon its government and people,
c)it would save Russia, Dagestan, bordering states, and most importantly itself, a lot of political, financial, economical, and military trouble;

Taking into Account that Chechnya has been incapable of supporting the many refugees that have fled Chechnya to the Northern state of Ingushetia;

Taking into Consideration the vital fact that Russia is currently providing help for Chechnyan refugees in Ingushetia;

Realizing that Chechnya is unable and unqualified for securing its people and protecting, supporting, and aiding them;

Further Realizing that The Russian Federation can support an extra state amongst its own and is capable of providing the necessary supplements for the advantage of Chechnya;

Fully Alarmed that Chechnyan Islamic militants have been responsible for the bombings of several apartment buildings and trucks in Russia;

Noting with Deep Concern that Chechen president, Aslan Maskhadov, has no control over Chechen guerrilla commanders;

Fully Condemning the Chechen President for having no control over his own troops;

Noting with Deep Regret that, due to the commanders’ freedoms, Muslim rebels led by these field commanders have recently attempted an invasion on the neighboring state of Dagestan;

Showing and Giving its full support for the Russian state of Dagesta;

Expressing its Appreciation towards the Russian militants that have crushed this invasion in an attempt to save Dagestan;

Reaffirming the disabilities faced by Chechnya, which put it at a foul disposition for independence, and these disabilities are:
a)the state’s President has no control over his own military and defense troops,
b)Chechnya does not posses the capabilities that qualify it for the big responsibility of taking care of its own people, a clear example here is Chechen refugees in Ingushetia, and how Chechnya couldn’t support them),
c)the willingness of Chechnya to put its people, civilians, government, and army militants at grave danger;

Desiring and Expecting no help or aid from the UN in this issue, especially in reference to the following:
a)Russia’s responsibility and its common sense in taking care of all of its states,
b)Russia’s willingness in helping Chechnyan refugees in Ingushetia even though Chechnya has been causing Russia a lot of problems lately, (esp. the apartment buildings’ bombings);

Noting that the United States itself and other countries have, in the past, denied independence to provinces that attempt to unilaterally declare independence from the country, and that these have been put down sometimes by force in:
a)the American Civil War,
b)the British efforts to retain Northern Ireland,
c)the Chinese continued efforts to suppress independence movements in Tibet,
d)the French efforts to suppress independence movements in Algeria, Vietnam, and other places and in their incorporation of certain former colonies as "Departments of France";

Reminding the states of the GA and the SC of the general principles of national sovereignty that include:
a non-interference in the internal affairs of fully-functioning states,
b)the non-division of sovereign states, even those suffering from independence movements, such as that in Kosovo whose KLA was branded by the US government a "terrorist organization;

1.Affirms that Chechnya is a Russian state, and not an independent one;

2.Emphasizes that Chechnya should stop its failed attempts at independence;

3.Further Condemns the Chechnyan President for lacking all control over his armed troops;

4.Regrets the fact that Chechnya doesn’t know what it is putting itself up against when it is demanding independence, and it is going to face:
a)economic and financial deficiencies,
b)political and governmental insufficiency and weaknesses,
c)shortages in food and crops,
d )many possible deaths due to the following: starvation, lack of shelter, and potential large-scale military and army attacks;

5.Congratulates the Russian military and defense on its success in maintaining the well-being of the Russian state of Dagestan by crushing and stopping the attempted invasion on Dagestan under the control of Chechnyan field commanders;

6.Supports the Russian state of Dagestan and all other Russian states in their conflicts and hardships;

7.Expresses its Hope that the UN will not interfere regarding the status of Russia’s states and their well-being and regarding the fact that Russia is capable of handling this situation, (as with many other situations);

8.Expresses its Hope that Chechnya will understand the reality of the consequences of its independence and will, henceforth, declaim its independence and stop its attempts at independence;

9.Further Reminds that Chechnya is not an independent state, so it should not be referred to as one, and that it was originally, and still is a Russian state;

10.Has Resolved that Chechnya will end its efforts at independence and will reclaim itself a Russian state, which would be for the good of all;

11.Further Resolves that this situation will be under the complete control of Russia and Russian troops and mercenaries, and that the UN will have no involvement whatsoever in this Russian-controlled matter.

12.Resolves that Russia will solve its own problems on its own with no interference whatsoever from any organizations whatsoever.